Sunday, May 4, 2014

Annual Church Meeting: A State of the Heart & Union

Local Church Conference
04 May 2014
A Pastoral Report | State of the Heart & Union

This past conference year has been a building block season of spiritual formation.  While 2012-2013 was a deconstruction phase in the structure of Coastal, last year we began rolling up our sleeves for a long-haul apprenticeship alongside Jesus our Carpenter by rebuilding a firm, pilgrimative foundation for the next 1,3,5, and 100 years to come.  As we journey forward, we believe the Architect & Guide has been establishing a brand new culture in Coastal and our Community Covenant for May 2014-April 2015, serves as a workable blueprint/map for launching Kingdom pilgrims further into God’s redemptive mission.   

<< 2013-2014 Building Blocks & Trail-Markers
§  2 folks began following Jesus as their Lord & Guide…while 3 others recommitted their steps in the Jesus Way…while 3 other folks (Donna, Ella Z, Don) took the transformational plunge of baptism!!!
§  We celebrated our growing bond as a new kind of family through these communal ways: summer picnics in Memorial Park, a lake adventure at the Maroon camp, Adam Tibbetts’ rockin baby dedication, rallying around the Hartfords during Sarah’s crisis, the Chili Cook-off, etc.
§  We continue to develop relational ties with local artists, vendors, and sojourners by hosting our annual Harvest Festival/Christmas Fair.  The proceeds of this event seed future initiatives for our Women’s Ministry.  The Nest (a supplemental Pocket for women) held a few gatherings that sparked other creative interests such as pottery at Glazey Days, growing an herb garden, and a couponing forum.
§  The second Saturday of each month Deb H., Nancy R., and a handful of other women have provided basic needs/meals to chronically homeless women in Portland through the Florence House.
§  Last July, we sent out 4 women to partner with Impact Ministries in endeavors of Kingdom justice including work in the children’s programs and serving in the Happy Tummies efforts.
§  Last September, we sent out 5 men to the Paria Canyon on a Pilgrimage trip that has catalyzed spiritual formation in each participant, led to a baptism, AND sparked future Pilgrimage trips.
§  We launched 5 new smaller groups (aka Pockets) during The Tangible Kingdom missional initiative and heard marvelous testimonies of God’s restoration and provision in the process.
§  The Trustees maintained our facilities by addressing electrical concerns and meeting fire code (thanks to Lonny).  Betsy initialized phase 1 of drainage/landscaping needs at the Parsonage.
§  Pastor David & the LBA worked with the D.S./Atlantic District/Wesleyan Denomination to refinance the Building & Parsonage, thereby lowering our facility payments by over $1000 per month, allowing us to better position the church for future mission and the removal of debt.
§  God has faithfully provided for our fiscal needs and Coastalites have faithfully responded to God’s provision by steadily increasing our weekly tithes and offerings over the conference year and generating one of the highest giving weeks ($5000) in our 20+ year history.  All bills are paid in full (–USF).
§  We deepened our FRONTLINE partnership of Kingdom justice with the Root Cellar in these ways:
o   Donating over $3000 in funds from the Chili Cook-off, the Advent Redistribute Campaign, 30 Hour Famine, and 1 average/weekly offering…Preparing for & overseeing the Ladies Christmas Tea for 35+ international women…the Witas group donated bikes and took the lead in a clothing/coat drive…and lastly, we sent volunteers to help with the ESL program.
§  During the Pilgrimative Practices from the Shed initiative, we heard numerous stories of spiritual and relational breakthroughs during times of meditation, fasting, and tithing/generosity.
§  Deb Harney and Jen Martin have spearheaded a new Hospitality Team called “360° Care” which is simply offering practical support and meals to those within our community who are sick, in the hospital, going through a crisis, or needing encouragement.
§  Victoria Wood reorganized our Youth Ministry by forming a Pocket group for 10 teens and has been mentoring several young women.  During the 30 Hour Famine, the group raised $2000 for Impacto/World Vision/Root Cellar while tithing 10% to Coastal.  In recent weeks, Greg & Erika Walton have joined with Vic in developing a team to oversee Echo Youth Ministry.
§  We celebrated the birth of Sarah Hartford and Elizabeth Backman!!!
And so we shout, “Dayenu!” a Hebrew phrase meaning, “God providesIt would have been enough for us!”

>> 2014-2015 Guide-Posts & Barstool Orthotics
I believe God has provided us (Zig & LBA) with a pastoral vision to further anchor Coastal Church’s 4 Legs (Bar Stool Values) during this coming conference year.  How we do this???
Ø  We will be solidifying our current Pocket groups through 1-on-1 trainings for the shepherds AND forming at least 3 new Pocket groups based on geography/need. 
o   LBA and music team leaders have been considering an experimental project/group/gathering called “The Dinner Party” meeting once per month on Thursdays during the summer in the Mainely Wraps Old Port location. FMI, contact Dave at
o   Coastalology – An as needed group led by Dave & Laura on Sundays after Gatherings for pilgrims to become familiar with vision, values, practices, covenants, history, Wesley, membership, etc.
Ø  We envision utilizing our Building as a missional outpost rather than as a financial liability by creating a “usage policy” and hosting more local community events.  We envision the possibility of paying off up to $100,000 of debt from our Building through increased weekly giving in the range of $2750 + proactively assessing the potential of selling the parsonage + aggressively seeking a tenant or tenants to rent Building space.  FMI, please contact an LBA member.
Ø  We will continue preaching & practicing the WORD through Pilgrimative Practices from the Shed for at least the next 2 months as we engage in the disciplines of prayer, Sabbath, and reviewing some of our common actions over the last season.  Our leadership team is excited to fully unveil the Common Coastal Covenant for 2014-2015, which integrates many of the practices that have been forming us.  Again, we believe this will serve as a blueprint/map for commitment to our local church body.
Ø  Pastor David & the LBA will continue to solidify specific roles and ministry-job-descriptions PLUS we are adding 2 LBA members and an “intern” to broaden our bandwidth of pastoral care/oversight.
o   Dan Gerrish, Clark Carter, and Pastor David have been commissioned by the LBA as the steering committee for Coastal Missions.  This team will be responsible for prayerfully creating guidelines and structure for local/global partnerships and future pilgrimage trips.  This team will be working w/ interested Coastal fam organizing various projects, events, short-term teams, etc.
o   Greg Walton will be working alongside Pastor David and the LBA in an “internship” style as he and Erika discern next steps in their pastoral ministry voyage and as Greg finishes his Masters program at Gordon. FMI, contact Greg at 286.5617 /
Ø  We will strengthen our justice leg of the barstool as we continue to deepen our FRONTLINE partnership with the Root Cellar through: a monthly financial pledge of $100, monthly prayer & fasting on behalf of the mission, Pocket group initiatives, quarterly projects & need-based opportunities for all ages.
Ø  In September, Mike Beeler and Dave are planning for a Pilgrimage trip in the Maine/NH Mountains.
Ø  In early October, Coastal will be linking arms with East Point Church to co-host a Justice-oriented Training/Equipping based on “Why The Rich and Poor Need Each Other” with guest speaker/author Greg Paul along with Zig & Kurt Holmgren.
Ø  The Hub Team will be launching a new website in the next week or so to help bolster communications, provide handy resources, and post the latest sermons for easy access.  If you have any interest in helping us develop/manage the website, please contact us at
Ø  Luanne and the Godly Play team will be developing the next stage of our Children’s Ministry as we seek to more accurately spiritually form our 3rd -5th grade children.  For those interested in joining the conversation, contact Luanne: 252.9562 /
Ø  Tracy T. will be planning new initiatives for the Women’s Ministry that supplement current Pockets. 
Ø  As we are growing in the number of musicians, our leaders, Mitch/Nick/Vic will be working to create new teams and rotating schedules for Gatherings.  If you have interest in joining a team please contact: Mitch at 604.2756 / or Nick at 698.0344 /
Ø  The Trustees will be creating more user-friendly forums for seasonal work-days, lawn-mowing and snow-shoveling schedules.  Projects such as replacing the floor in the Community Room & kitchen, repainting the basement, and Phase 2 of landscaping at the parsonage are on tap. If you would like to be handy with us around our Facilities please contact John Z. at 450.3360 /

For King and Kingdom, Pastor David

“Know whence you came, whither you are going, and to whom you will have to render accounts.”      @alanhirsch

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